Ava is the ancient imperial capital of successive Myanmar Kingdoms from 14th to 19th century. Now it is the part of Mandalay Division and located from the south of Amarapura on the bank of Ayeyarwaddy River. The city was completely destroyed because of earthquakes in march 1839. The first founder of Innwa is King Thihathu, but he built his new capital in Pinya in 1313. In September 1364 Thadominbya, grandson of Thihathu, chose Ava as his new capital.
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Mahaaungmyaybonzan Monastery
Mahaaungmyaybonzan monastery is also known as the Okk kyaung or Mae’ Nu Okk kyaung. The attraction of this monastery is the cool afforded by its ultrathick walls and the bats flitting through its empty undercroft. This Monastery was built by Queen Mae’ Nu. So it is famous as Mae’ Nu Okk kyaung. And this monastery is covered with stucco brick.
Bagaya Monastery
The Bagaya Monastery is a Buddhist Monastery to the southwest of Innwa Palace. This monastery is also famous as Maha Waiyan Bontha Bagaya Monastery. It is one of the tourism destinations in Myanmar. The first monastery was built by using teak in 1593. Maha Thiri Zeya Thinkhaya founded the Bagaya Monastery. In 1821, a great fire broke out the Bagaya Monastery and many important buildings, which the parts of Bagaya Monastery, were burnt in the fire. The government did the reconstruction in 1992 and built the new brick building in the place of the old teak monastery.
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