Celebrated Myanmar offers the best deals for Domestic flights fares in Myanmar. Our air ticket price is less than the airlines price. Please have a look our flights tips and how to make a booking for the flights with us.
There are 3 types for the flights fares-
ADL (Adult): From 12 years old
CHD (Child): From 1- 11 years old
INF (Infant): under 1 year old
Make a booking for the flights with us
We need some information of you to make a booking for the domestic flights tickets in Myanmar. Please emails us the following requirements below-
– Name of Passengers (as printed in the passport)
– Passport number
– One way or return ticket
– Departure and Arrival City
– Ticket Type (Adult, Child or Infant)
– Class of Ticket (Economy or Business)
– Date of Travel
– Preferred flight time
As soon as we got the above requirements, our ticketing staff will make the booking for you immediately.